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Newsletter Archive


Vol. 31: Part of the (Sustainability) Plan

People. Planet. Products.


Together they form the framework for Sustainable Management at GOEX. This is a common structure that many companies use to assess their business practices and performance of sustainability and ethical issues. The goal of being to understand the risks and opportunities of sustainability in the organization.

At GOEX, we are in tune with the importance of following these important principles and have steps in place to make this a vital part of our daily practice here at work and the materials we manufacture.

Josh Gray, GOEX President & CEO explained it this way, “GOEX has always operated with sustainability as a pillar of our operations. We continue to advance our sustainable offerings through product development, technology, customer collaboration, and recycled materials.”

Our Three Pillars
To better understand Sustainability Management at GOEX, we divide the topic into the three separate, but equally important, areas:

People - addresses the relationships our company has with our employees, our local communities, and other stakeholders. It includes a robust safety program, labor relations, and our company values. These values also impact our local communities as GOEX strives to be a good partner within the communities we operate.

Planet - includes our environmental impact. GOEX goes beyond complying with all laws and regulations. We continually seek to use fewer resources, which include electricity and water. We minimize our waste and take great measures to be good stewards of the earth, including keeping plastics out of the environment.

Products - Plastic packaging products are important to sustainability. They help extend the life of fresh food, ensure the safety of patients during medical procedures, and reduce shipping weight and costs. GOEX also has the unique ability to incorporate recycled materials into our products recovering closed-loop scrap from our customers and commercial markets.


What does this all mean for you?
You have our commitment that GOEX will pay attention to and honor people, our planet and products to safeguard the success of our company, our employees, our customers, and the markets and communities we serve. Let GOEX help you achieve your sustainability initiatives as well. We can be a valuable link in your supply chain and aid in your objectives to do more to reduce, recycle, and reuse.