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Vol. 12: Constructing Our New Facility

A New Home for a Market Leader

Construction of a world-class manufacturing plant marks a new era for GOEX Corporation, but it’s not the first time the company has moved into a new home. GOEX got its start in 1990 in a plant designed specifically for custom plastic sheet extrusion. Now, 24 years later, GOEX has become a leader in custom extruded products, and it’s time for a brand-new facility.


Expansion, Not Contraction, Is the Name of the Game

“The industry has experienced a great deal of consolidation in the last ten years. Some competitors are closing down manufacturing plants, but we’re going the other way. Expansion, not contraction, is the GOEX future,” said Josh Gray, GOEX President and CEO.

“Our story is evolutionary, transitioning from smaller extrusion lines to larger ones,” Gray added. “Our strategy is to buy the best equipment available (often larger), so we can produce more volume and keep costs down, and this means more space.” The new factory will be more than twice the size of the original, with room for even more expansion going forward.

The facility will be one of the most advanced in the industry, especially in terms of process and environmental control. GOEX leaders have always been strong proponents of technology in manufacturing and testing.

The result is material production with less subjectivity and more technology. “Less art and more science improve accuracy, consistency and repeatability,” said Alan Swearingen, GOEX Vice President of Manufacturing.


Environment Welcome Here

GOEX takes responsibility as a steward of the environment, adhering to Operation Clean Sweep guidelines ( in building and ground designs. Extensive water collection and filtering systems safeguard against pellets from rail transfers ending up in storm water runoff and being ingested by birds or other wildlife.

The facility leverages rail transport to move goods in and out, resulting in a smaller carbon footprint than over-the road hauling. Bringing raw materials in by rail will slash truck deliveries more than 75 percent, while capturing the associated fuel savings and reduced highway congestion.